Published in The National
As the Arabian Gulf countries look to generate private sector job opportunities for nationals, a common complaint among jobseekers is that the wages in many occupations are unacceptably low. Continue
Published in The National
Every year, over 100,000 people are enrolled in universities in the UAE, reflecting its growing commitment to education. Yet enrolling in university is no guarantee of graduation, or of the acquisition of skills that aid success in the post-university phase. Every year, in universities across the entire world, a minority of students struggle, leading some to drop out of higher education without securing a qualification. What causes students to fail? Continue نُشر في صحيفة الحياة English version below تسعى الدول الخليجية إلى تعزيز مساهمة القطاع الخاص في الاقتصاد وإلى تمكين المرأة، وهما هدفان منفصلان شكلياً. لكن ورقة بحث جديدة كشفت أن إعطاء الإناث دوراً أكبر في قرارات الصناديق الاستثمارية، يتسبب بتحسن في أدائها، بالتالي يجب على الحكومات والقطاعات الخاصة الخليجية، أن تنظر في نتائج ذلك البحث كجزء من تنفيذها لرؤاها الاقتصادية.ـ المزيد All the Gulf countries are trying to increase the contribution of both the private sector and women to the economy—two nominally separate goals. However, a new research paper suggests that giving women a bigger role in decisions of investment funds improves their performance. Consequently, Gulf governments and private sectors should examine the results of this study as part of their efforts to implement their economic visions.
Omar Al-Ubaydli
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June 2020
Omar Al-Ubaydli
Bahrain Center for Strategic, International and Energy Studies PO Box 496, Manama Kingdom of Bahrain |